Medevial's Traumzeit-Tarot ®
The Secrets of the rising Soul


Oracle Verse:

The once unknown voice has got real forms in between.
That what belongs to you will now get in touch with you.
The boy became a man, the girl became a wife.
From now on all decisions you pass will give you direct consequences.
Be ready!


"06 - The Lovers"

Keywords: absolutely Yes for something/somebody, belonging together, Ying&Yang

Astrology: Sagitarius

Story: "The Lovers" may appear for themes like love, but most times they appear also for quite other themes where we first don't know what's the belonging. In all forms of appearance "The Lovers" mark that, what's absolutely belonging together in any way, what you need to be more complete. Like a loving pair wishes with his whole mind to be together, like everyone of them needs their partner, you wishes with the whole intensity of your soul to get that what you want, whatever the theme may be. Ying & Yang, men and woman, shadow and light can't exist each without the other.
If this card appears in your reading it's a sign that your whole mind and soul says "Yes" to something or somebody. Don't think about it with your logic intellect, accept your karma, because you need the other (one) to grow!

(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct my words)

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